Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuna Poke

This dinner brought me back to my vacation in Hawaii - picking up tuna poke fresh from the grocery store (yes, a grocery store deli counter with about 8 different types of fresh poke) and dining al fresco on the beach. The tuna nearly melts in your mouth and pairs perfectly with its trusty sidekick - rice. A fabulous combination of sesame oil, soy sauce, green onion, avocado, jalapeƱo, cucumber, and maybe lemon or lime...mixed with quality tuna makes a simple and impressive meal.

Though we try to not have white rice whenever possible, I felt that this meal just needed it. Our only brown option was jasmine which would (in my opinion) not fit the bill for this meal - perhaps a normal plumpy brown, but not the characteristically thin jasmine. So white rice it was.

Derek used a recipe that we received from that Hawaiian grocery deli "poke chef" as his base and tweaked it here and there and added avocado. In my search, this seems to be a fairly good representation of what he did:

Fresh Ahi & Avocado Poke
source: http://www.fishmaui.com/fish-recipes/ahi-recipes/ahiandavosalad.html

Main Ingredients:

3/4 pound sashimi grade tuna steak, diced
1/2 cup diced cucumber
1 avocado - peeled, pitted and diced
1/4 cup chopped green onion
1 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds (did not use, would have been good)
1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1/2 cup soy sauce


In a medium bowl, combine the ahi, cucumber, avocado, green onion, red pepper flakes and sesame seeds. Pour in the lemon juice, sesame oil and soy sauce, and stir carefully to blend so as not to mash the avocado. Place this bowl into a larger bowl that has been filled with ice. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, but no longer - the terrific freshness of the fish will be lost.

We served this with white rice, some daikon sprouts and store-bought seaweed salad. Now if only I had the beach to pair with it as well....

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