The easy route would have been to order takeout (or delivery, though our options are fairly slim in the area) - but NO us being the true epicurians that we are, decided to cook (disclaimer: this is a lie...we were too lazy to even go somewhere to get takeout). Therefore, our thoughts turned to, "well, what do we have at home that we can whip into a quick(ish) meal?" And my answer: TOMATO FARRO with EGGS.
Here we go again with the use of that tomato sauce. I will not need to reiterate how good it is (but man, it's good!!).
I wrote about the meal a while back when I first started the blog but decided to add it again since we had it again - and the pictures were probably a little better since I've stopped using that horrid flash on the camera (and yes, I know, I need a good camera to make the pictures look good, but I try my best).
No recipe necessary for this one, just throw in what you'd like in whatever amounts that you'd like. Here's what we did.
1 cup farro
2.5 cups salted water
1/2 yellow pepper, chopped
4 crimini mushrooms, sliced (that's all we had left)
1/2 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 cup marinara
3 eggs
salt and pepper
parmesan, to garnish
parsley, chopped, to garnish
1. Bring salted water and farro to a boil. Turn to a simmer and cook for about 25 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, saute onion and garlic and pepper until the onion becomes translucent - about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and continue to saute until they become tender.
3. Add marinara to the vegetables and simmer on low.
4. Once the farro is done, drain and add to the vegetables. Mix to incorporate.
5. Over medium heat, carefully crack the eggs over the farro (I like to make a little divot in the farro so the egg doesn't spread too much). Cook until the egg whites have set and the yolk is runny (you may want to cover it with a lid to expedite the process and keep the steam in).
6. To serve, scoop the farro and egg(s) onto a plate. Garnish with parsley and parmesan.
Voila! Here is our tired - we have no idea what to cook but probably need to eat - meal.
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